

The 菲律宾十大网赌网站 (UAFS) 教育学院 assessment system, based on the School's conceptual framework, represents an ongoing process that uses authentic, comprehensive, and integrated assessment measures to evaluate the achievement 学校的使命和目标. 该系统是通过协作创建的 在教育学院全体教职工的共同努力下.

In developing the assessment system, university faculty and staff and the pre-K-12 community integrated ideas from their respective knowledge and experience backgrounds. 
The interdependent components of the system described in this document include:
The 教育学院 assessment system provides data for use in decision making to:

The 教育学院 assessment system is designed to monitor candidates as they 通过他们批准的项目取得进展. 监测是通过持续的评估来实现的 of the content knowledge, pedagogical and other professional knowledge and skills, and core dispositions of the candidates throughout their enrollment at UAFS. 这两个 qualitative and quantitative data related to candidate and graduate performance are utilized in making needed changes in all aspects of the teacher preparation program.

All unit assessments show face validity through consistent alignments with CAEP, TESS, 和ISTE标准. The Lawshe method for content validity will be used to assess all rubrics currently being utilized in the 教育学院 after appraising subject expert agreement of each criterion as being essential/nonessential to the chosen assessment. As data resulting from the assessments are all housed in LiveText, analytics are run to determine the statistics from each electronically scored rubric. 两分的可靠性 也可以在LiveText报告工具中找到.

政策 & 程序

The purpose of the following policies and procedures is to establish a system for the review, analysis, evaluation, and use of assessment data to help inform decisions about the UAFS SOE teacher education programs and overall unit improvement.

UAFS 教育学院 评估 Student/Faculty/Mentor Assignments are sent out each semester to ensure all faculty members are aware of unit assessments in each 课程.

The data resulting from each semester is compiled according to the various gates. The following listing indicates the responsibilities of staff/faculty members in gathering 的数据.


  • 外部评估
  • UAFS教育学院离职面谈
  • 毕业生和员工调查
  • Mean cumulative GPA for entry, exit, and area of specialization
  • 新教师调查结果
  • Graduates' impact on student learning data (employer survey)
  • 对学生学习的影响(研究生调查)
  • Impact on student learning (employer survey three years after graduation)

评估 coordinator will create a semester report and present it to the Education Coordinators' Council (EEC) and the 教育学院 faculty. 报告将是 按队列报告(秋季、春季). 评估 coordinator will meet with the coordinators and faculty of each program area (elementary, middle level, and secondary) to review 的数据 from the previous semester to identify strengths and weaknesses. 评估 coordinator will document the strengths and weaknesses of the program in addition 改进计划. 评估协调员将提出一份摘要 each program's identified strengths, weaknesses, and goals for improvement to the ECC, 教育学院, and Teacher 教育委员会 each fall.

评估 coordinator will create an annual assessment report. 摘要: assessment report and all related data will be posted on the 教育学院 website. The annual assessment report will 每年秋天提交给技术委员会 (previous year 队列).

评估 system is reviewed each spring by ECC, 教育学院, and Teacher 教育委员会. Any changes will be noted by the assessment coordinator, and the 评估手册将被更新以反映这些变化. 评估手册将 每年秋天提交给技术委员会.

  • Structured team interview for admission to Educator Preparation Program (EPP)
  • 性格的自我评价
  • 考生对教案的反思
  • 多元化案例研究绩效
  • Intended Candidate Outcomes (ICOs) by clinical practice 监事 and university 监事
  • 候选人的性格与选修课相结合
  • edTPA Assignments for Practicum I, Practicum II, and internship (本地评估)
  • edTPA Tasks 1-3: Percentage of students scoring basic, proficient, and distinguished (本地评估)
  • 实习安置面试结果
  • Evaluation of the internship experience (university supervisor evaluation by intern)
  • 实习结束后完成学生咨询问卷
  • Gates 4, 5, 6 - Danielson FFT Formative Observation results (Practicum II)
  • Danielson FFT形成性观察结果(实习)
  • Danielson FFT总结性观察结果(实习)
  • 指定课程的教案大纲

  • 入读EPP时的累积GPA
  • Praxis Core的平均分数是那些被EPP录取的学生
  • 入学面试流程
  • 项目录取
  • 背景调查审查
  • 虐待儿童检讨

  • Graduate and employer surveys (assessment coordinator 编译数据)
  • 平均实践II内容知识考试成绩
  • 平均实践II教育学考试成绩
  • Survey to Clinical Supervisor/Mentor Teacher and University Supervisor (评估 协调器编译数据)
  • Graduates' impact on student learning data (Employer Survey) (评估协调员 编译数据)
  • Impact on student learning (Graduate survey) (评估 协调器编译数据)
  • Impact on student learning (Employer survey 3-years after graduation)(评估协调员 编译数据)
